Hines Lines
My thanks to Bill Drake, who acquired these from the collection of J. L. Cohen some years ago, and kindly passed them along to me.
Click any image for the full PDF or photo...
Hines Lines 201A 0-8-0 Switcher
Hines Lines 301 4-6-2 Pacific Boiler
Vintage Images
I have no idea if the photos below (bundled with the blueprints) were taken by Mr. Cohen, or by an earlier modler.
4-6-2 Pacific Prototype - The modler's working reference?
Hines Lines 4-6-2 Pacific
Hines Lines 0-8-0 Switcher
My own 0-8-0 (bulit by someone far more skilled than I).
Original 1946 product announcement and 1962 catalog page after Hines was acquired by Pearce around 1956.